

Final blog:Reflect on your semester and year in biology What were your successes? What were your failures? What did you learn that you will never forget?

This year l actually learn a lot of useful things,and l should say that biology is a funny subject which support human in many aspects.However,my success in this year is l understand some phenomenon which l confuse and curious before.For example,l notice that father's height is directly has a big impact on his son's height because genetic.Also,tigers have sharp teeth because they need it to be the weapon which can satisfy their's apply to the natural selection.Except the success,l kind of screw something on this period.As l didn't finish the ecological plants project because l mess the cup and the dirt up.That's actually quiet pity.The things l learned which l will never forget may be the dissection is really interesting.l never do it in Chinese school and other period in here.As a result,it is quite new and attractive to inform a lot about animals' organ and systems such as respiration and digestion.Shortly,this class help me understand this earth and some distinct species much deeper than last year.l am appreciate about these,Ms.Malonek,thanks.

