

Blog 9 Define the different forms of community interaction: competition, commensalism, mutualism, predation, parasitism Give an example and a picture for each

competition occurs when organisms of the same or different species attempt to use an ecological resource in the same place at the same time.for example,tiger and lion may compete each other by fighting for their prey.
predation is an interaction in which one organism captures and feeds on another organism.such as panther is depend on sheep or other animal to be its needs to eat them in order to survive.

in mutualism,both species benefit from the relationship.many flowers depend on certain species of insects to pollinate them.they both get good advantage from each other.

in commensalism,one member of the association benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed.for example,small marine animals called barnacles,often attach themselves to a whale's skin.yet,the barnacles benfit from the constant movement of water past the swimming whale,because the water carries food particles to them.however,whales do not have any disatvantage.

in parasitism,one organism lives on or inside another organism and harms a parasite obtains all or part of its nutrientional needs from the other organism.

