

Blog #3 Explain what microevolution is? What are the three ways that variation occurs?

microevolution is a change in gene frequency within a population. This change is due to four different processes: mutation, selection (natural and artificial), gene flow and genetic drift.Population genetics is the branch of biology that provides the mathematical structure for the study of the process of microevolution. Ecological genetics concerns itself with observing microevolution in the wild. Typically, observable instances of evolution are examples of microevolution; for example, bacterial strains that have antibiotic resistance.
These are the three ways that variation can occur.
A mutation is any change in a sequence of DNA.Mutations can occur because of mistakes in the replication of DNA or as a result of radition or chemicals in the environment,
2.gene shuffling
it occurs during the production of gametes
occurs during meiosis.Further increases the number of different genotypes that can appera in offspring.

