

Final blog:Reflect on your semester and year in biology What were your successes? What were your failures? What did you learn that you will never forget?

This year l actually learn a lot of useful things,and l should say that biology is a funny subject which support human in many aspects.However,my success in this year is l understand some phenomenon which l confuse and curious before.For example,l notice that father's height is directly has a big impact on his son's height because genetic.Also,tigers have sharp teeth because they need it to be the weapon which can satisfy their's apply to the natural selection.Except the success,l kind of screw something on this period.As l didn't finish the ecological plants project because l mess the cup and the dirt up.That's actually quiet pity.The things l learned which l will never forget may be the dissection is really interesting.l never do it in Chinese school and other period in here.As a result,it is quite new and attractive to inform a lot about animals' organ and systems such as respiration and digestion.Shortly,this class help me understand this earth and some distinct species much deeper than last year.l am appreciate about these,Ms.Malonek,thanks.


Blog 14 Compare two of the organisms that we have dissected Discuss at least 2 similarities and 3 differences

There are some similarities and differences between crayfish and fish.First,their nerve system are almost the same.They both have a small brain which is next to their eyes.Their respiration is quite similar as well.Because they both live in the water.They use gills to breath instead of use lung.Their external apperance is differ a lot.Fish have a streamline body which can allow their to swim fast.While crayfish have walking legs in order to walk.Also,their excretory system is different because crayfish's anus is at the tip of its tail.


Blog 13 What was most interesting about this week's dissections?

crayfish.gifThis week's dissection about claw fish actually impress me a lot.Not only because l like eat this,but also l feel interesting about its complex internal has a brain same as human,but its heart is kind of big if you compare to its small body.lnstead of have a lung to do has a big gill.lts degestive system is from intestine to anus,lt is quite similar to uses its walking legs to may work effective because it has many of them. 


Blog#12 What surprised you from the worm's dissection?

Firstable,l am surprised by this tiny worm's complex organ.lf l don't cut it out,l can't image how a little earthworm even contain so many things.Then,l realize its respiratory organ is just its mouth.lts brain is also kind of small if you compare it to its body.lts intestine is not very long.lts heart is vary from human by stay in the center of its body.At last,its anus is at the tip of the body surpised me as well.